Psalm 56
56 Lamentation-Praise
Trust in God
3 When I am afraid,
I will put my trust in You.
4 In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid.
What can mere man do to me?
· As long as we live, and in every variety of situation we have need of mercy. If we need pardon, we must hope for it through mercy; if we seek protection against men and devils, it must all come through mercy.
· “Fear and hope may seem opposite and incompatible affections, yet it is proved by observation that the latter never comes into full exercise unless there exists some measure of the former.” (Calvin) It is therefore not uncommon for good men to have a painful sense of their own weakness, and need of help from God. Oftentimes ‘faith grows valiant in fight. Albeit it begins like a coward, and staggers in the first conflict, it grows stout and triumphant.’
· There is no comfort without trust. If we lean not on God, we are as without God. A staff not used gives no support.
· God will not be unmindful of our tears and sorrows. O no! He puts them in his bottle. He registers them in his book. Trials will bring tears. “But,” says Arnd, “here lies a powerful consolation, that God gathers up such tears, and puts them into his bottle, just as one would pour precious wine into a flagon, so precious and dear are such tears before God, and God lays them up as a treasure in the heavens; and if we think that all such tears are lost, lo! God hath preserved them for us a treasure in the heavens, with which we shall be richly consoled in that day.”
· Those who think they stand must take heed lest they fall, because the best stand no longer than God is pleased to uphold them.