Find out more about what’s going at Beth Eden so you can dive into the work of growing in Christlikeness, caring for one another, and reaching others with the Gospel!
Beth Eden Baptist Church Calendar
Church Life Sign-up Forms
Beginning on February 19, our Adult Bible Study on Wednesday nights will discuss an often debated section of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians - chapters 12-14 where Paul explains spiritual gifts. Join us as we take a biblical journey to understand what spiritual gifts are, how to use them, and why it matters.
Each year in January and February, we take a break from our normal rhythm of sequential Bible preaching to focus on topics important to our church family. Join us as we explore a variety of topics with a variety of speakers as we being a new year.
It’s a simple concept: 30 minutes of group Bible reading and 30 minutes of prayer. One hour of your week to help establish habits and relationships that will draw you closer to God. Consider joining one of our three groups throughout the week.
You’re invited to join our church family as we remember why Jesus had to come and what He did when He arrived through guided readings, special music, and Christmas carols. Service begins at 5:00 PM on December 24.
Beth Eden Baptist Church invites you to celebrate our King’s birth with us as it has been honored for millennia—with joyful music and warm fellowship. This year, we’ll meet on December 15 at 9:30 AM for our Continental Breakfast in Alumni Hall and the service at 10:15 AM.
Beginning on December 1, we’ll be studying Matthew’s narrative of Jesus’ birth. Celebrate His arrival with us as we explore Jesus’ kingship and authority.
Join us on December 6 as we kick off the Christmas season at Beth Eden with the school Lighting Ceremony & Carol Sing at 6:30 PM. Enjoy hay rides, hot chocolate, traditional Christmas carols, and, of course, Christmas tree lights!
The Sunday evening before Thanksgiving, we gather in Alumni Hall to share testimonies of God’s goodness and enjoy pie together! Plan to join us at 5:30 PM.
Join us for our annual Worship with Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 24. Every year, we give special focus before Thanksgiving to wonderful things God has done for us. Service begins at 9:30 AM.
Beginning in March, our pastors will study the book of Joshua verse by verse. In it, we hope to see how to live in light of God’s power by trusting Him and working toward His ends.