Psalm 55

55       Imprecatory

            Hear My Prayer, O God!

            1 Give ear to my prayer, O God;

            And do not hide Yourself from by supplication.

            2 Give heed to me and answer me;

            I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted.

·         When we are rightly disposed, and guided by God’s Spirit, we may get an instruction from the most distressing events in our history.

·         When God seems to hide himself from believers and their supplications, they should regard it as a trial of faith and perseverance, and not as a discouragement to prayer.

·         “Prayer is the believer’s universal medicine for all the disorders of the soul within, and his invincible shield against every enemy that can attack him from without.” (Horne)

·         Rivers of sorrow may roll over us, and mountains of care rest upon us, but if we cast all on God, he will sustain us.

·         Whatever comes, let us practice the duties of piety, and especially let us exercise holy trust in God, which is at the foundation of every stable Christian character.


Psalm 56


Psalm 54