Psalm 20
Royal (earthly king)
I Will Trust in God’s Name
7 Some boast in chariots and some in horses,
But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.
· The greatest men, even mighty kings, are subject to sorrow, and need the prayers of others, and the help of God.
· When our troubles are so great and grievous as to lead us directly to God, we often get a safe deliverance from them, or a sanctified use of them much sooner than when they are lighter or less sharp.
· When in anything we get help in God’s appointed way, it is not only sweet in itself, but a pledge of farther good.
· Accepted worship is an amazing mercy.
· The more we have prayed for a deliverance, and the more manifestly it is from God, the greater our joy.
· As often as the grasp of true faith is weakened or slackened, it must and will renew its hold on the covenant and perfections of God.
· In the great conflict between Christ and the dragon the issue is not doubtful. A battle may seem to be lost, but the war must end in the triumph of truth, in the reign of righteousness, in the crowning of Messiah.