Psalm 19

Praise / Wisdom / Torah

Meditation on God’s Works and Word Is Acceptable in His Sight

                14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

                Be acceptable in Your sight,

                O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.

·         In salvation everything is of mercy.

·         He who loves God must love his law, for it is a transcript of his character.

·         There is great folly in claiming to be without fault. Modern perfectionism gets no countenance from Scripture.

·         Blessed be God, he sees all our sins, and if he loves us, he will not leave us under their power.

·         When a man has learned to deceive others, he has learned still more effectually to deceive himself. In fact, our very familiarity with our own faults hides their deformity from us. How many men mistake their talents and their manners, thinking the latter agreeable when they are highly offensive, and the former shining when they are hardly up to a tedious mediocrity. Good men deplore their want of self-knowledge; and bad men evince it in many ways.

·         Constantly and in all things we need divine grace. “As pardoning grace, and preventing grace, and restraining grace must be prayed for; so also powerful, sanctifying, or enabling grace, both for inward and outward service; yea, and grace accepting the service when it is offered, must be sought for by prayer to God.” (Dickson)


Psalm 20


Psalm 18