Sunday Service Times
Morning Worship Service - 9:30 A.M.
Fellowship follows the Morning Service
Sunday School - 11:15 A.M.
Church Family Gathering - 6:00 P.M.
(Twice a month - See Calendar)
Current Sermon Series
This is Beth Eden
With so many church options out there, they all begin to look the same. We feel that the things we hold dear are the things that set our church apart from others. Let us explain what distinguishes us from the others.
As Christians, the Bible is our final authority when it comes to what and how we live that out. Because of that, we spend a lot of time studying what God’s Word says and what that means for us. Ministry of the Word takes various forms, though. We sing songs with rich, biblical content. Our prayers are guided by the praises and requests we find in Scripture. And a good part of our gatherings is focused on reading, teaching, and preaching the Bible. We practice expositional preaching, which means the main point of our sermons are taken from the main point of the Bible text we’re talking about. Everything we say and do should find its source in the Bible.
If the Bible is the most important book for Christians, then the gospel is our most important message. In fact, the gospel is the most important message for everyone in all history. The gospel defines who we are. It also explains what is wrong in the world, and offers the solution for correcting it. Though the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ sinful mankind can be reconciled to the holy, creator God of the Universe. This message is central to everything we do. We gather to remember Jesus’ work. We share this story because of how its changed us. And we offer love to our neighbors because it's what Jesus would do. Without this message, we have no reason to exist.
The Bible is clear that those who believe the gospel will live according to it. True faith has visible actions that flow from a changed heart. As Christians, our church helps each other become more like Jesus Christ. That may be encouraging a God-honoring response to suffering or helping forsake sin and rebellion. We do this through the work of the Holy Spirit, the influence of other godly believers, the teaching of the Bible, and the ministry of prayer.
Jesus left the church with a task to do - tell everyone possible about the message of the Gospel. In obedience to our King, we want to see the gospel spread through the Denver metro area, across the country, and around the world. We seek to build relationships with our neighbors by serving and loving them. In those relationships, we look to have gospel conversations. Outside our neighborhoods, we want to partner with missionaries who help start new churches like ours - biblically-rooted, gospel-centered, and disciple-making. Through internships and pastoral training, we help train leaders to further this mission both at Beth Eden and away from here.
We don’t do any of this because makes us better people or a dynamic church body. The church is God's idea, and so is subject to His direction, will, and oversight. Any good that we do is a credit to Him and Him alone. By creating us, He determines our existence. By redeeming us, He commands our allegiance. By renewing us, He directs our obedience. By saving us, He engineers our unity. All things we do, both mundane and unique, direct glory and honor to Him. Our highest mission as a church is make sure His name and character are known - locally, nationally, and globally.
What’s Next?

Church Ministries
Camp Eden has been guiding churches into adventure since 1944. We provide quality Christian camping resources to local churches and our community.
Since 1972, Beth Eden Baptist School has been cultivating academic excellence in a caring Christian environment for K-12 students.
Castle Kids Early Learning Center provides a quality Christian preschool and daycare program to 3 and 4 year olds. Loving learning is the daily theme at Castle Kids.
At Beth Eden, AWANA provides programs for children ages three through twelve (Cubbies, Sparks and T&T). AWANA meets every Wednesday at 6:30 PM.
Beginning in March, our pastors will study the book of Joshua verse by verse. In it, we hope to see how to live in light of God’s power by trusting Him and working toward His ends.