Baptism at Beth Eden
As a baptist church that’s been baptist for over a century, we naturally have a clear belief on baptism.
Next Baptism Class
during Sunday School
We believe baptism…
There’s nothing about baptism that saves you, any more than wearing a ring makes you married. But just like that ring, the act of baptism is an important and clear symbol of your salvation.
…is a symbol…
…for believers…
…of our union with Jesus…
Because it’s a symbol, baptism only makes sense if what is symbolizes is true. Therefore, we only baptize those who have a clear profession of faith and a lifestyle that matches that profession.
When we place our faith in Christ, we are unified with Him - his life becomes our life, his death becomes our death, his resurrection becomes our resurrection. Baptism is designed to point to this reality.
…done by immersion in water…
…in obedience to God’s command.
Baptism is a command given to both individual believers (“Be baptized.” - Acts 2:38) and churches (“Baptizing them…” - Matt. 28:19).
So baptism is an act the involves both the individual and the church. The individual is committing themselves to following Jesus and the church is committing to help them do so. Through these commitments, both the individual and church are following God’s commands.
Since baptism is meant to symbolize Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection becoming ours, we think the best mode of baptism is the one that shows that most clearly. So we dip believers fully under the water and bring them back up to show how God has raised them to newness of life.
Listen below as one of our pastors explains what we believe about baptism at Beth Eden: