Psalm 139
God Knows All Hearts
1 O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
· It is God’s plan and our interest to have our hearts and ways subjected to the scrutiny of omniscience, which is thorough, infallible and infinitely holy in all its examinations.
· How great is human ignorance when brought into comparison with divine knowledge.
· It is a small thing to be seen of man’s eye, or judged of man’s judgment; but to live and act under the scrutiny of God is well suited to make us solemn and cautious. Yet God’s Holy Spirit must change and renew the heart, or it will never turn from wickedness. Men cannot be frightened out of their iniquities.
· But in our hatred of sin we should carefully guard against all malice, all private pique, all personal enmity, and abhor the characters of the wicked only as they are abhorrent to God.