Psalm 124
God Delivers Me from My Enemies
8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.
· We cannot too often remember that none but God can save us from sins, or foes, or perils.
· Christian men suffer their vindictive passions for a while to overcome their principles, an occasion for repentance and regret, and an injury to the cause of religion.
· The world thinks it a fine thing to spread snares for the feet of the righteous; but the weapons of the church’s warfare are not carnal. God’s cause needs not the help of man’s strategies.
· It is a shame to us that we so soon and so easily forget the deliverance wrought for us, yea, and the very perils from which we have been saved.
· The help of all the righteous is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.