Psalm 118
118 Thanksgiving (individual, community) [“the golden psalm – Martin Luther]
Thank God for His Salvation
23 This is the day which the LORD has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
· [L]et us labor to promote that essential unity which consists in bringing all of every rank and condition to accept and celebrate the amazing mercy of God.
· What a strange sort of creature an old Christian would be, if he had never smarted under the rod of heavenly chastisement!
· “Thou must learn to call and not to sit there by thyself, and lie on the bench, and and shake the head, and bite and devour thyself with thy thoughts, but come on, thou indolent knave, down upon thy knees, up with thy hands and eyes to heaven, take a Psalm or a prayer, and set forth thy distress with tears before God.” (Luther)
· Our theology is never right till in our hearts we invest God with infinite power and perfections. Until we can say: “It is enough for me that God is on my side,” we are not prepared to fight the battles of life.
· All is not lost that is brought into jeopardy. We gain a great advantage in all our trials when we see God’s hand in everything; when we are willing to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts; when we are submissive to the divine appointment, knowing that the Lord doth not afflict willingly, but for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.