Psalm 106
106 Praise
God Is Faithful, Even When I Am Not
1 Praise the LORD!
Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
6 We have sinned like our fathers,
We have committed iniquity, we have behaved wickedly.
· A sense of weakness and of short-coming in any duty, particularly in worship, does not release us from the obligation to do our utmost. God’s glory is not designed to dishearten us in our approaches to him.
· How little we know of ourselves! What sudden transitions our emotions and even our purposes undergo! We behold stupendous wonders and think we never shall lose the salutary impression received from them; but without special grace we soon forget all, and sin with greediness, and rush with madness toward destruction.
· The recent reception of great and astonishing mercies, which have profoundly moved our affections, is no proof that we will not soon fall into gross sin.
· The case of Moses clearly shows that the strength of the temptation by no means excuses for the sin of yielding. The reason is that God always provides a way for escape, and that nothing whatever can possibly justify our sinning against him.
· While eternity endures, good men will not be done celebrating the love and mercy of the Most High.