Psalm 67
May God’s Face Shine Upon Me!
1 God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us.
· We shall have need to pray for mercy as long as we live.
· Without God’s blessing we are nothing. Why are we so careless to secure it? “God’s speaking well to us amounts to his doing well for us.” (Henry)
· “We need desire no more to make us happy, than to have God’s face shine upon us, to have God love us, and let us know that he loves us.” (Henry)
· ”The great work which is performed by [the gospel] is in destroying the power, pardoning the guilt, cleansing from the infection of all sin; and filling the soul with holiness, with the mind that was in Christ.” (Clarke)
· True piety is never separate from the fear of God.