Psalm 62

Lamentation (trust) / Trust (individual)

            Patiently Wait for God

            1 My soul waits in silence for God only;

            From Him is my salvation.

            2 He only is my rock and my salvation,

            My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.

·         Silence, unmurmuring submission to the divine will, and patient waiting on God are better than all the pragmatical efforts of any man to help himself.

·         If God is for us, we shall not be greatly moved. Nay, we shall not be moved at all, in any way that will do us real damage. “As a man resolveth to believe and follow the course of sound faith, so he may assure himself of establishment and victory over all temptations, notwithstanding his own weakness.” (Dickson)

·         It is a great comfort that God is our only hope, and trust, and expectation. When we find him, we need seek no further. He is all-sufficient. The more he is tried, the more he is found to be the very friend we need.

·         There is no substitute for godly sincerity.

·         “To induce a soul to trust in God only, it is necessary that it so look to his power, as it looks to his mercy, and lay hold on both.” (Dickson)


Psalm 63


Psalm 61