Psalm 50
50 God and the Nations (Asaph)
God, the Righteous Judge, is the Sovereign Creator-Owner of All
6 And the heavens declare His righteousness,
For God Himself is judge.
· “God will not accept an outward for a spiritual homage, the mere carcass of religion for its living fires on the altar of the heart.” (Morison)
· Sins of the tongue terribly grow on a man, and when the spirit of slander fairly gets possession of one, it balks at nothing.
· He, who would be truly holy, must take God’s word for his rule of living, God’s Son for his Savior, God’s Spirit for his guide, comforter and sanctifier, God’s people for his chosen companions, God’s glory for the aim and object of his life, God’s love as the great animating principle of his conduct.
· If our hearts are cold or lukewarm, let us, in our approaches to the throne of grace, freely so confess.
· [A]re you ready for the scrutiny of God?