Psalm 42
42 Wisdom / Lamentation / (Korah)
Do I Long for God?
1 As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for You, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;
When shall I come and appear before God?
· Godly mourning is better than carnal rejoicing.
· Dejection is not the offspring of piety. We must have faith and hope in God, or we must lose our cause.
· No situation in life, no anguish of mind, no cares or duties can justify us in forgetting God. We must call him to mind, though nothing but our wants and sorrows in a howling wilderness remind us of him.
· Let none be surprised at the violence of temptations. They often come in like a flood. Onset succeeds onset, until we are ready to yield. But the only thing that ever lost a believer the victory was cowardice.
· It is eminently fit for God to undertake cases which without divine assistance are hopeless. [Things that only God can do . . .]
· “Although the Lord, for a time, shall neither remove the outward affliction nor inwardly give comfort, yet faith will sustain itself by the covenant, and lay its whole weight upon it.” (Dickson)