Psalm 34
34 Wisdom
God Comes Alongside the Brokenhearted
18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted,
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
· “Every day of a pious man’s life is marked with the monuments and tokens of the mercy of God, so that he has every day to sing a new song.” (Tholuck)
· The providence of God, which we should devoutly study, has two aspects. One smiles on the righteous; the other frowns on the wicked.
· Ever since man became a sinner, true religion has had in it the element of penitence. Let us often inquire whether we have this penitence. It is far different from remorse. It is a great error of some that they so little cultivate a penitent state of mind.
· Through much tribulation we must enter into the kingdom of God.
· Were the pious freed from every trouble and affliction, motives to piety would become impure, faith would grow faint, prayer cease, and carnal security abound.” (Tholuck)
· Afflictions are proofs of love. Stripes are the marks of sonship.