Psalm 22
Commit My Way to God
8 “Commit yourself to the LORD; let Him deliver him;
Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him.”
· “No man knows the exceeding sinfulness of sin, but he who learns it at the cross of Christ.”
· There is but one method of satisfactorily explaining the awful scenes of the crucifixion. “That was the judgment-day of the Savior of the world. At the tribunals of men he was condemned—under their sentence he was executed: and while his body hung in torture on the cross, he was arraigned in spirit before the bar of God, under the imputation of human guilt. The court of heaven, as it were, descended to Mount Calvary. . . . These awful words, ‘Let the law take its course,’ are uttered by the eternal Judge.” (Stevenson) This explanation alone is sufficient. With his stripes we are healed. By his chastisement we have peace. By his death we live. Otherwise we never can defend the character of God concerning the humiliation of Christ. He never permitted a holy angel to suffer even the slightest indignity.
· When sore pressed, our resort must be to earnest prayer and strong crying to God. “The true rule of praying is this, that he who seems to have beaten the air to no purpose, or to have lost his labor in praying for a long time, should not, on that account, leave off, or desist from that duty.” (Calvin)
· “Were temptations ever so black, faith will not hearken to an ill word spoken against God, but will justify God always.” (Dickson) This is much wiser than to plunge into reasonings too deep for us. Often is silence eminent wisdom. Trust is better than logic. Let us never charge God foolishly, as we shall surely do, if we attempt to solve all the mysteries of providence.