An Interview With Cal and Tina

How did you come to saving faith in Christ?

Cal: I grew up in a religion that taught you earned heaven by doing good deeds. Rules that didn’t make sense and feelings of unworthiness caused me to turn my back on that religion. I was concerned about where I would go when I died, but I didn’t fear death. I just wanted to know what was after this life.  Eventually, I concluded you couldn’t know, so I lived for the moment. 

After years of concern I asked God to tell me who He is and what He wanted from me. I met a lady who shared the gospel with me. Eventually I went to church with her and heard the Bible taught. The Gospel began to make sense. I set out to prove the Bible wrong, but instead I came to believe I needed Jesus Christ.

Tina: I had a praying Grandmother; she knew I grew up in the house of lies. My parents were not married, and my dad had another family. My parents were alcoholics and gave no thought to raising children, we were a hindrance to their lives. Since I was the oldest of the children, we rarely had a babysitter. I could watched my little sister and brother. I rarely had opportunity for a child’s life. I felt worthless.

When we moved west, I became a Mormon for a short while. I grew up in a house of lies only to attend a church of lies. When my grandmother came to visit from Virginia she began to tell me about Jesus. I never forgot her teachings. But they didn’t sink in until I was a mother. I never wanted my children to be a worthless or deceived as I was. Deciding what to teach my children brought me to the Lord. I gave my life to Christ when my baby was a year old. Since then, I have grown to know that I have value. God created me in His image. I am the daughter of the King of Kings. I am not alone! I have my best friend with me all the time.

What do you appreciate most about the ministry of Beth Eden Baptist Church?

Cal: The preaching and the people. You have to be under solid Bible teaching so you can learn and grow. You also need to be in a church family that is family. Beth Eden has both.

What areas of ministry are you currently involved in, both within the church and outside it?

Cal: I am an Adult Bible Study Class leader and am on two committees at church. Outside of church, I teach a weekly Bible study in a local County Jail.

Tina: I serve as a deaconess, on a committee, and in the nursery. At work, there is always a need for prayer. I have found a prayer partner there, we are witnessing to a lady there. God WILL use you wherever you are, just ask. 


An Interview with Divena

How has your faith changed your life?

My faith in Jesus Christ became the center of my life in my twenties. As I trusted Christ with the direction of my life, He brought joy and peace to my life - such a chance from turmoil and distress I experienced when I was trying to run the show. Life isn't without trials or difficulties, but trusting the Lord has helped my vision to broaden past myself. As I've grown in my faith, so has my vision of those around me. God is helping me to see people as He sees them.

What brought you to Beth Eden Baptist Church?

I had recently returned to the States after living in China for three years. I was looking for a good church because that was one of the many reasons that I had returned home.  I had tried a couple of other churches, but they were missing something. As soon as I walked into Beth Eden, I knew what those other churches had been missing; they didn't feel like home. Beth Eden felt like home, and I've been here ever since.

What do you appreciate most about the ministry of Beth Eden Baptist Church?

At the top of the list is the preaching. I am so thankful for the Gospel-centered expository preaching that comes from the pulpit at Beth Eden. I am also thankful for the "family" atmosphere. People really love each other, and that is very evident when someone is experiencing a difficult time. We all rally around one another to help in any way we can.

What areas of ministry are you currently involved in, both within the church and outside it?

At Beth Eden, I am involved in the choir, and I have also volunteered at Vacation Bible School for the past few years.  Outside of Beth Eden, I attend a large national, in-depth Bible study.  I've also recently been approved to be a mentor with a local homeless shelter and am awaiting my first mentee.


An Interview with Brian and Sarah

How did you come to a saving faith in Christ?

Sarah: When I was almost five I told my mom I wanted to get saved.  She showed me verses from the Bible that told me that I was a sinner who needed a Savior and that God loves me so much that He sent Jesus, His only Son, to pay for my sins! Later in life, I doubted at times whether or not I fully understood what it meant to be saved since I was so young when it happened. However, a pastor encouraged us with the truth that saving faith is not about what you did but what you are trusting in right now. Looking back at what I did is never enough; salvation is based on what God did!

How has your faith changed your life?

Brian: Since I was saved at a very early age and was raised by godly parents, I do not have a dramatic "turn of events" type of life story. Regardless, the salvation that Christ has graciously given to me has resulted in a continual progress (admittedly slow) in my personal growth in holiness. Christ has certainly preserved me from living a life that would be in opposition to His Word and deserving of eternal punishment.

Sarah: One way that stands out more than the rest is how God used the miracle of adoption to bless us with three children. Each day we are reminded that God is the giver of life, and He works in ways that we cannot see or will never know this side of Heaven! Isaiah 55 reminds us that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. We therefore must "walk by faith and not by sight."  

What brought you to Beth Eden Baptist Church?

Brian: God led us to Beth Eden in 2005.  I taught music at the school, and worked part time trimming and removing trees. About five years ago, God decided it was time to expand our Arbor business into full time work. Since that time, we have had many witnessing opportunities with customers! We are thankful to be able to serve at Beth Eden and have a place where we can raise our family and invite friends, knowing the Gospel will be preached.

What do you appreciate most about the ministry of Beth Eden Baptist Church?

Sarah: Beth Eden has so many ministries for which we are thankful! Sunday School provides great fellowship and teaching; children's ministries reinforce what we are biblically teaching our children at home; Care and Share provides fellowship and Bible study that spans the various ages of the church; and Missions Conference helps us broaden our view of what God is doing throughout the world through humble servants.  Each week, we truly appreciate the teaching and preaching! Last but certainly not least, we are thankful for a music program that focuses on glorifying God, not promoting the musician. We ultimately are thankful that each aspect of the ministry can point us and our children to God!

What areas of ministry are you currently involved in, both within the church and outside it?  

Brian: Within the church, my wife and I are both involved in the music ministry as well as in the AWANA program. I have also served as a deacon and on camp committee. As a small business owner, I have the privilege and opportunity of sharing my faith to others by displaying it in friendliness and excellent service.

Sarah: Outside of church, we have the ministry of educating our children at home. In the church, God has allowed me to be involved in nursery, deaconess, choir, Care and Share, and AWANA. Several years ago, some ladies started a "B.E. Encouraged" Facebook page where ladies can share prayer requests, praises, or post helpful articles and encouraging words to minister to each other.