India (Part 2)

It is day 6 of my (Pastor Don's) stay in Vellore (near Chennai) and day 2 of the conference. I preached 3 times yesterday, and I will preach 4 times today, which will include the ordination service for four pastors. I am humbled and exhorted by the humility, servant heart, and passion of the believers here.

We are working our way through John 1:1-18 as we examine the essence and activity of Christ, our Light. Yesterday we began to survey God's work in human history, a Grand Drama in five Acts: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Judgment, Consummation.

Christopher and Mini are warm, hospitable hosts, and the fellowship is sweet with the believers here.

Thank you all for praying! From my perspective, at least, I don't know how it could have gone better. Tonight closed the main sessions, but everyone was still there after 11:00. We had a wonderful time together, and it was a privilege to preach for and participate in the ordination service this afternoon for four Good News Baptist Bible College graduates.

There is one more service tomorrow, then we'll head to Chennai, where I'll catch a 4:00 am flight through Dubai to Johannesburg. Then it's on to Zambia for 4 days before heading for home.

Tired, but blessed,

I've attached a few pictures, although I haven't taken nearly as many as I would like. The bells are a big hit, and definitely worth the extra effort.

