One of the best ways to hear God speak clearly is to remove all the competing, distracting noises of everyday life. Since 1944, Beth Eden has partnered with local churches across the country to provide a place where their kids, youth, and adults can hear God speak clearly. The team at Camp Eden are members of Beth Eden and are passionate about providing quality Christian camping resources to help churches make better disciples.
Beth Eden Baptist School was founded in 1972 as an alternative option to the public school system. It serves the Denver-metro area with an authentically Christian educational experience. From preschool through to 12th grade, students receive an excellent traditional education, grow in maturity and responsibility, and are challenged to engage their world mentally, physically, and spiritually.
A love of learning and interest in God’s Word should be cultivated early in a child’s life. Castle Kids Early Learning Center is a Christian-worldview preschool program that not only teaches early childhood skills like counting and writing, but also helps young ones develop a love for God and what He is doing in the world. As a ministry of both Beth Eden Baptist Church and School, it pairs the best in education and Christian living for little ones.

Kids at Beth Eden
At Beth Eden, we prioritize biblical teaching and instruction...for everyone, kids included. But we know kids don’t learn in the same ways adults do, and we want to put the truth of the Bible in a place that’s easy for them to understand as well.
Children’s Church
Partway through our main service, we dismiss the kids to attend Children’s Church. All children, ages 3 through 6th grade, are welcome to participate. At Children’s Church, kids enjoy a kids-oriented lesson, an activity time, and some snacks.
You are more than welcome to accompany your child for some or all of this Sunday morning adventure! But don’t feel like you must. Our children’s workers are background-checked, carefully screened, and trained to care for your children safely. If you have any questions, one of our greeters, a pastor, or the children’s workers would be happy to help you.
We have a whole team of folks who work with the kids each week. But here are the most prominent faces your kids will see.
Children’s Church Workers
Rhonda Branson
Heather Gruis
Steve Branson
Sunday School Teachers
Barb Deitsch
Big Church
We think it is vital for children to be familiar with how church works. So, we include our children in the beginning portion of “big church,” where we all sing, pray, and read the Bible together.
Sunday School
After Children’s Church, kids are picked up by a Sunday School teacher for their class (children’s Sunday School classes are divided by school grades). Kids can be picked up from their Sunday School classrooms when the Sunday School time is finished.
Byron Pollock
Sharon Keck
1-2 Grades
Lisa Pollock
David Shaffer
3-5 Grades

Awana meets on Wednesday Nights during the School Year
from 6:30-7:45 PM
This year, clubs begin meeting Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Our programs serve children
ages three through sixth grade.
Cubbies - ages 3-4
Sparks - K-2nd Grades
T&T - 3rd-6th Grades
Each child will receive a book for the year that will include the story/lesson/verse for that week. It is encouraged to work on those pages throughout the week as a family, and then bring the book on Wednesday to be signed off.
As part of the registration process, you will have the opportunity to purchase the appropriate uniform (a vest or t-shirt depending on the age group) for your clubber. The uniform becomes a way to showcase your child's accomplishments through earned patches and emblems. We take pride in our clubbers' accomplishments and devotion!
AWANA is fun-filled Bible memorization program for children ages three through sixth grade. Each week features music, games, Bible memorization, and a Bible lesson with two simple goals in mind:
Our desire is for every AWANA clubber to hear and know the gospel. Our volunteer workers are committed to making the gospel clear and compelling for each student who comes.
Through Bible memorization, exemplary leadership, and clear teaching we help young people see the Bible’s relevance for everyday living and challenge them to obey God’s Word.
Our AWANA program has been faithfully serving families for over 50 years. Our dedicated and well-trained staff members seek to minister effectively to each child individually.
Please contact us for more information about our AWANA program. Parents are encouraged to register your children prior to the first night. Online Registration is closed. Please register at the door.