Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

New Sunday Schedule

Sundays will have a new look beginning September 13. Morning service will begin at 9:00am, followed by Sunday School at 10:30am. More details to come.

Here’s the new schedule that begins on September 13:

9:ooam - Worship Service (live in Auditorium, live-streamed to Old Gym)

10:15am - Fellowship Break

10:30am - Sunday School Begins

11:30am - Sunday School Ends

Children’s Church will be dismissed during the last hymn before the sermon. Children’s Church will work seamlessly into Sunday School, allowing parents the ability to fellowship between Worship Service and Sunday School, without having to personally see to their child’s transition.

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

Luke's Dispatches

Join us August 9, 16, and 30 at 6:00 pm on Sunday evenings as we follow the path of the Gospel from Jerusalem throughout the ancient world. Luke’s Dispatches are a video series produced by Frontline Missions.

Join us on Sunday evenings as we follow the path of the Gospel from Jerusalem throughout the ancient world. Luke’s Dispatches are a video series produced by Frontline Missions. We are viewing the videos in our auditorium at 6:00pm on August 9, 16, and 30.

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

Mystery Island VBS

For more information about our 2021 Vacation Bible School, click here.

Form more information about our 2021 Vacation Bible School, click here.

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

In-Person Services Resume

As of June 7, 2020, Beth Eden has resumed in-person Sunday morning services. Click above for details.

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Beginning Sunday, June 7, 2020, Beth Eden will resume Sunday morning worship services. There are now three ways to participate in our Sunday Worship Service:

  • 9:00 AM - Outdoor Service - west of the Fieldhouse

  • 10:30 AM - Indoor Service - church auditorium (*Sign-up required)

  • 10:30 AM - Livestreamed Service at

* Due to the restrictions on the number of people attending an indoor meeting, we ask that you register for the indoor service. Email

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

Wild Game Dinner Postponed

The Wild Game Dinner originally scheduled for this Saturday night, March 14th has been postponed. Click above for details.


After consulting with medical professionals regarding the corona-virus and prayerfully weighing their advice, we have decided to postpone the Wild Game Dinner originally scheduled for this Saturday night, March 14th.

  1. We will determine a reschedule date as soon as possible.

  2. We will post announcements regarding postponement to our website and church social media accounts. 

  3. We will reimburse the full cost of tickets for anyone who paid for the Wild Game Dinner and is not certain that they will be able to attend at a future date.  Refunds will be issued after the morning service this Sunday or any time the church office is open during the week.

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

Fall Elective Classes

On Wednesday nights, Beth Eden Baptist Church is offering five community classes that are designed to help you develop valuable life skills and to strengthen your faith by helping you learn how to address life’s challenges. Click above for details.

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Fall 2019 Class Information

First Class:
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Last Class:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
*Some classes will continue after November 20th, but will conclude before Christmas.

Class Times: 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM

How to Sign Up:
Complete the registration card on the side panel of this brochure and leave it at the church office. Click here to download a brochure and registration card. If you do not regularly attend Beth Eden   Baptist Church, you can sign up by emailing or by calling the church office at 303-238-7711. Please sign up by Sunday, September 22nd. 

Class Books:
Some classes require a textbook or a workbook. Beginning Sunday, September 22nd, books can be purchased at the Connect Desk after services or at the Church Information Desk during the week.

Classes Offered:

What is Man?
Taught by Pastor Randy Vawter
No book is required.
There is no cost for the class.

Our culture wants us to answer this question with behaviors,  desires, and emotions. But "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jer 17:9). So we need a source outside ourselves to answer the question. Thankfully, God's provided the Bible to do just that. Using God's Word, we want to know what it means to be truly human and how that informs our understanding of a variety of current issues like race, sexuality, and death.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Moderated by Chris and Nancy Ervin
Workbook for taking notes provided.
Book is optional. Book cost is $5.

This study is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way, “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” Designed for parents with children of any age (and even grandparents), this insightful study provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life. Each week will include a DVD message by Tedd Tripp, plenty of opportunities for discussion and supplemental resources or exercises.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis
Moderated by Al Teed and Jonathan Albright
No book is required.
There is no cost for the class.

This class will be based on the video series “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis” produced by the Institute for Creation Research ( The series consists of twelve approximately 22 minute videos exploring the relationship of science and Scripture. The series supports the statement by the late Henry Morris that “The Biblical record, accepted in its natural and literal sense, gives the only scientific and satisfying account of the origin of all things.” Each session will include time for questions and discussion. This class is being repeated by because it was so well received in the fall of 2018.

Resolving Everyday Conflict
Moderated by Pastor Jim Efaw
Workbook is required. Cost: $10

So . . . when was the last time you blew up at a co-worker or your “problem child”? When was the last time you clammed up and refused to have a reconciling conversation with your spouse or a parent? How well do you handle conflict? Utilizing video case studies and simple, principle-driven teaching, this class will help you build a biblical framework for addressing and resolving conflict in every arena of life. Learning and practicing the biblical principles in this study will have an “instant impact” in your relationships. This is the same study we are doing on Sunday nights. 

Young and Old Guy’s Bible Study
Moderated by Dave Kahler and Carter Herling
Book is required. Cost: $15

Our culture is working overtime to redefine manhood. So . . . what is a godly man? This class is designed to get the “young guys” and the “old guys” in the same room with open Bibles discussing how to become the kind of man that pleases God and faithfully leads others. Chuck Swindoll described R. Kent Hughes’ modern classic on biblical manhood this way—“Over 250 pages devoted to the practical outworking of discipline on subjects like purity, marriage, prayer, the tongue, the mind, our work, leadership, ministry, and many, many more. I guarantee: Digest this book and you will bid the blahs farewell.”


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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

Online Giving is Here

Online giving is now available at Beth Eden. You may contribute online, by using an app on your phone or by sending a text. Click above to set up an account.

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You may set up an account and give online by clicking below.

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Gregg Pilchard Gregg Pilchard

2019-2020 Awana Clubs

Awana Clubs are for children 3 years old through 6th Grade.  Beth Eden's Awana year will begin September 4, 2019.  Click above for more information and to register.


Wednesday Nights During the School Year
Begins Wednesday, September 4, 2019 – 6:30-8:15 PM

AWANA is an international Bible memorization program with individual clubs in participating churches. Our AWANA club has programs for children ages three through sixth grade. Each week features singing, games, Bible memorization and a Bible lesson. Our AWANA program has been faithfully serving families for over 40 years. Our dedicated and well-trained staff members seek to minister effectively to each child individually. Please contact us for more information about our AWANA program. Online registration is now closed. Please register when you arrive at Awana..

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Recognizing Years of Service

It was a wonderful privilege and joy this past Sunday as a church family to honor three couples that have faithfully served throughout our entire ministry ...

Recognition Sunday Thoughts

Ed and Pam Francis, Don and Teri Hall, Carter and Brandi Herling

Sunday, May 7, 2017

It was a wonderful privilege and joy this past Sunday as a church family to honor three couples that have faithfully served throughout our entire ministry. In honor of their years of faithful service, the church gave the couple monetary gifts, a thankyou card shower, and individualized gifts of appreciation. Below is a brief overview of each couple which Pastor Jason read Sunday morning.

“Historically, on these occasions we have read extended biographies for those we are honoring.  I would love to do that today, but because we are honoring three of you . . . and really six of you . . . and with our limited time on a Sunday morning, we would not be able to even begin to explain the scope of what you do.  However, because I am certain we have visitors in our service this morning and even regular attenders and members who may not know who these folks are, I will attempt to give a brief overview of each couples ministry. I will go in alphabetical order.

Ed and Pam Francis - Ed Francis is the administrator of Beth Eden Baptist School and Pam Francis is the first grade teacher in the school.  Today, we are honoring them for 10 years of service – in principal years that is more like 50 years.  In many ways, I think school administrator is the hardest job in our ministry.  Ed oversees a team of almost 30 staff members who serve over 200 students (five days a week, for 9 months out of the year).  Our students range in age from three through nineteen.  Every week Ed functions like a master juggler – simultaneously managing an existing educational and extra-curricular structure, developing plans for the future, and managing exceptions. Ed brings an unusual mix of abilities to the school ministry: He is very gifted in administration, a visionary, combined with a pastor’s heart.  And where would Ed be without Pam?   In addition to being an excellent first grade teacher, Pam helps with a myriad of other programs and initiatives in the school. Pam may be the most detail oriented person I have ever known. Pam has also overseen our Vacation Bible School in the church for the past few years.

Don and Teri Hall – Don serves our church as an assistant pastor focusing primarily on church music and missions, and Teri teaches history in our Christian school.  Today, we are honoring Pastor Don and Teri for 20 years of service.  That means they have committed most of their adult lives to advancing the ministries of our church.  Pastor Don is a quintessential renaissance man. Most of you know him primarily as the one who leads the choir and congregational singing on Sundays. That really is only a fraction of how he serves our ministry.  I am aware of Don’s preaching, teaching (in the church, camp, and school), counseling, coaching (basketball and soccer), helping with rock climbing and rappelling at Camp Eden, helping with the property projects (including repairs), occasionally fixing church vehicles, leading mission trips, performing weddings and funerals, making hospital visits helping church members (often in a very quiet and understated way) . . . and this list could go on all morning. A few years ago, Pastor Efaw asked Don to begin working with our Missions Committee.  For years now, God has been growing in Pastor Don a burden for the local church and world missions – and our church and our missionaries have been the beneficiaries of that burden. And then there’s Teri . . . Teri’s list of ministries would be about as long as Don’s.  In addition to her teaching ministry in the school (which followed a number of years serving in the school office), Teri has faithfully served alongside Don as an accompanist for church and school music.  Whatever ministry Teri undertakes, she works thoughtfully and tirelessly in a spirit of excellence as unto the Lord.

Carter and Brandi Herling – Carter’s primary role for Camp Eden is facilities director and Brandi’s primary role is kitchen director.  I say primary roles . . . because they have done everything you can imagine (and many things you would never imagine) at Camp Eden. That’s how camp works . . . everybody does everything . . . and Carter and Brandi embody that camp work ethic.  Today, we are also recognizing them for 20 years of service.   Carter may be the biggest hearted Christian servant I have ever worked with – I mean that.  Carter maintains 13 buildings on 160 acres at 8’800 ft.  If Ed is a juggler and Don is a renaissance man then Carter is a magician.  He has been able to maintain and advance the facilities and ministries at Camp Eden with limited tools, limited materials and limited funds.  One of the goals of the camp is to be a good neighbor to the folks in Coal Creek Canyon.  Most of the folks on Camp Eden Road have been blessed in some way by Carter’s practical, timely, neighborly assistance.  Carter always accomplishes his ministry with a one-of-a-kind great sense of humor. If you don’t have great food at camp, you don’t have camp!  Brandi provides GREAT food at camp. I have learned from Brandi how to own my responsibilities and to endeavor to serve others and my teammates with excellence. In a lot of ways, for most of the folks that visit Camp Eden, Carter and Brandi (and their children, Kara, Corey and Emma) are Camp Eden.

I have only scratched the surface of the scope, quality and personality of the ministries of these six staff members.

As we honor them today, I am reminded of three things all three couples have in common . . .

1.    Each couple ministers as a team.  In addition to their ministry responsibilities, they have family responsibilities which they juggle together.  The complement each other – they are stronger together.

2.    Each couple has contributed so much to the personality of our church ministries.  They all bring a spirit of excellence with joy to their areas of ministry.

3.    Each couple has ministered with real and exemplary servant’s hearts.

I think it is also noteworthy that we are honoring couples who are leaders in all three of our ministries - the church, the school and the camp.  There is no way we could sustain that scope of ministries we have as a church without such a great team of leaders – both paid and volunteer.”

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Rocky Mountain Youth Conference

The Thursday through Friday before Easter, the youth attended the Rocky Mountain Baptist Youth Conference ...

The Thursday through Saturday before Easter, the youth attended the Rocky Mountain Baptist Youth Conference. This year's conference took place at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. The teens participated in fun activities like bowling, rollerskating, basketball, dodgeball, mini-golf, hiking, and disk golf. However, the point of the conference was the strong Biblical teaching. Beth Eden's own Pastor Jason Pilchard and Evangelist Mark Herbster preached to the teens four times. The teen also attended two workshops focused on the Christian life. Through the Word, several teens took another step in their spiritual development and continued on the progressive path towards Christ likeness. The next Rocky Mountain Youth Conference will take place in 2019.

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Edenaires and Sandhill Cranes

The Edenaires traveled to Kearney, Nebraska area on March 30-April 1,2017.   The cranes come to rest and refuel for about a month ...

The Edenaires traveled to Kearney, Nebraska area on March 30-April 1,2017.   The cranes come to rest and refuel for about a month as they prepare for the arduous journey to breeding grounds in Canada, Alaska and Siberia.  The shallow braided channels of Nebraska's Platte River in Kearney area provide safe nighttime roost sites and waste grain in nearby crop fields provide food to build up fat reserves needed for migration. The Edenaires were able to observe the birds along the River and also in the fields. It is estimated that about 600,000 cranes take part in this migration. The Edenaires also toured the Archway, Rowe Sanctuary, Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Fort Kearney State Historical Park  in the same area.  As is the Edenaire custom for trips, there was time for eating and  fellowship. The Bible verse memorized during the trip was Luke 12:7"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows."

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Youth Fundraising Dinner

On Wednesday night the youth hosted a fundraising spaghetti dinner ...

On Wednesday night the youth hosted a fundraising spaghetti dinner. We would like to thank the over 120 people who attended and invested in our young people. Your generosity will help the young people go to the Youth Conference, Summer Camp, and other activities.

We would also like to compliment our young people on their superb service. They demonstrated a sacrificial servant's heart. We are proud of who you are!

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2017 Men's Retreat

Join us January 27-28 at Camp Eden with speaker, Pastor David Brock, for a time to invest in your family, work, and church ...

Join us January 27-28 at Camp Eden with speaker, Pastor David Brock, for a time to invest in your family, work, and church. Enjoy good food and great fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere with other men. Cost is $60 for those who stay at camp, $50 for those who commute.

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Over the past month the various classes in Beth Eden Baptist School partnered with ministries around the city ...

Over the past month the various classes in Beth Eden Baptist School partnered with ministries around the city engaging in community service. Ministries like The JeffCo Action Center and the Arvada Food Bank provided our students with hands on experience in community involvement while presenting to the students the definite needs of those around us. We are thankful for the work these ministries continue to provide for our communities. 

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Teens Engaged in Active Ministry

On Wednesday, September 28, our teens served at the Denver Rescue Mission - The Crossing ...

On Wednesday Night, September 28, the teen group served at the Denver Rescue Mission - The Crossing. Over the course of two hours, the teenagers cleaned a children's play area and sorted books for the children's library. This event serves as a part of the T.E.A.M. (Teens Engaged in Active Ministry) program which is a core of the Beth Eden Youth Ministry. Through this event, our teenagers continued to learn the joys of serving others.

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Free AIG Conference

Beth Eden hosted a conference that challenged us to think biblically ...

On Sunday, September 25, Beth Eden hosted Brian Catalucci with Answers in Genesis. Over three sessions, Brian challenged us with the truths of Creation, the importance of Genesis, and the primacy and reality of truth. For more information about Answers in Genesis and creationism visit

For more information about Answers in Genesis events in your area visit


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