Fall 30/30 Groups

Our 30/30 Groups are not just about reading the Bible and praying together. They are about building a stronger church family, deepening our understanding of the Scriptures, and growing spiritually. Choose a group, commit to attending each week, and experience these benefits with others. 

Each 30/30 Group session will be one hour long and structured. We will start with a 30-minute session of reading and discussing a portion of the Bible. This will be followed by a 30-minute prayer session, where we can lift our concerns and praises to God. Please feel free to bring your children, but do note that no childcare will be provided.

This fall we will be studying the book of Hebrews. Though we don’t know who wrote it, the book of Hebrews gives a clear explanation of why Jesus is better than any other possible avenue to God. So, don’t abandon Jesus, the author encourages, go all in. Booklets with space for note taking are available for $5 each.

We’d love to grow along with you!

Sign up here.


Grownup Faith - 2 Peter 1:1-11


Awana Begins